Libra August 2013 Horoscope prediction:
On June 21 the planet's began to move from the Western (the public sector) to the Eastern. On July 4, Mars joined your indication. On the 8th of this 1 month, Venus, the leader of your Astrology goes from the Western to the Eastern. So you are now in a pattern of individual energy and freedom.
You can have your way now (and are probably getting it). And this is aspect of the issue in really like. Perhaps you are being too confident, or too challenging. (Perhaps you are not, but you are just being identified that way.) You have less need of others nowadays and if they do not believe the truth with your programs, you can go on your own.
Venus passes across the Mid-heaven on the 8th and goes into your Tenth home of profession. Though officially your annually profession optimum finished on This summer 23, it is enhanced now. You seem very effective. You are raised, identified and perhaps even honored. You are above everyone in your globe nowadays.
This scenario will not last for ever, so do not drive roughshod over others; use your energy and power smartly and in a calculated way. You will pay a cost for any neglect later on. Being on top is fun. But this also seems aspect of the really like issue. Not everyone can manage being on the end in a connection. Also, as you will see, being on top creates you an automated focus on for the anger of others. They usually eyelash out at what they can see.
Uranus and Pluto have been in a fairly actual rectangle for several weeks now (these are very slow-moving planets). So there is much economical modify and difficulty going on. Some of these changes are quite impressive and the creativities and changes of lot of money can be very excessive – and this 1 month even more so.
Venus begins to get into this planetary image from the Fourteenth to the Seventeenth. Prevent rumors and other types of economical high danger. Actually all types of high danger should be prevented during this interval. Be more cautious generating or training.
Nice, mild, comfortable exercises are known as for; this is not a here we are at trying to crack information. If you experience twinges or discomfort, quit and relax. Get the ego out of the way and pay attention to the system. Though you are in energy now, avoid encounters. Work out energy gently.
The great information economically is that you have the wholehearted assistance of your associate, associate, present really like and buddies. They are very effective as your representative, especially after the Twenty fourth. The loving lifestyle in common will enhance after the Twenty fourth. Either the present connection synchronizes or you fulfill someone new who is excellent to you.
Your Eleventh home is highly effective until the Twenty third. Thus you are in a public interval. This is not actually loving, more about relationship, being engaged with categories and team actions. On the Twenty third you get into a very religious interval.